T.E.A.C.H.® Program
Our daycares collaborate with outside programs to improve our services to kids and families. All of our locations participate in the T.E.A.C.H. program which is an initiative to increase the professional qualifications of early education teachers. We support our teachers by encouraging them to continue their education, reimbursing them for school tuition and costs, and sponsoring them in Arizona’s T.E.A.C.H. program. |
Empower Plus
We are also committed to motivating our children to eat right, stay physically fit, and being happy. As part of this commitment, our staff members receive ongoing training, support, and resources as part of our participation in Empower Plus. Our commitment also involves promoting family style dining, limiting sugar and high calorie foods, and offering fresh fruits and vegetables daily. |
Quality First
Our Phoenix location is participating in Arizona’s Quality First Program. As we enter our third year of participation, we continue to improve our services to kids and families and work closely with specialists and professionals to reach very high benchmarks for our staff and management. |
"Helping children bloom into creative and happy learners"